This self-guided tutorial is intended to help you quickly set up a basic course in Canvas. It can be navigated in sequential order using the Next and Previous buttons that will display at the bottom of the page, or you can click on a link in the outline below to jump to a specific section of this tutorial. You can also click the Modules link in the course navigation menu on the left at any time to view all sections of the tutorial. After reviewing the information below, if you wish to complete all sections of this tutorial in sequential order, click the Begin Tutorial link.
Recommended approaches for completing this tutorial
Set your course up as you go
Approximately 1 hour to complete.
Open one of your unpublished courses in a separate window or tab so you can work on it while you are completing this tutorial. This option takes longer, but you will walk away having the basic elements of your course in place. You'll find several Learn more... links throughout this course, allowing you to dive deeper into specific Canvas features that are of interest to you while skimming over other information quickly.
Just to get up to speed
Approximately 15 minutes to complete.
Simply reviewing the information in each module can give you a general sense of the options available in Canvas and prepare you to set up your course. When you are ready to set up your course, you can return to review information on specific Canvas features you wish to use.
Topics covered in this tutorial
Course Files (e.g., Syllabus) - Uploading and Usage Options
- Uploading your syllabus (and other files) to your course
- Publishing / Unpublishing items in Canvas
- Student access to course files
- Learn More: Restricting access | Posting web links (URLs)
Creating Assignments
- What counts as an "assignment" in Canvas
- Creating a basic assignment
- Editing an assignment and working with the content editor
- Linking to course content and files
- More about linking to course content
- Learn More: Submission types | Assignment groups & weighted grading | Resubmitting and multiple-submission assignments | Differentiated assignments
Recording Grades
- Gradebook overview
- Entering student grades
- Learn More: Adding blank columns to your gradebook | SpeedGrader
Communicating with Students
- Sending announcements
- Receiving copies of announcements
- Sending section/student-specific announcements (Inbox)
Additional Resources