Resubmitting and Multiple-Submission Assignments
Submitting and resubmitting assignments in Canvas
As previously noted, when an assignment is created in Canvas, the system allows students to submit (and resubmit) multiple times until the Available Until date has lapsed. Note that this date is set by the instructor in the Assignment Details.
- Assignments submitted after the Due Date (including any resubmissions of the assignment) are automatically marked as late.
- All submissions and resubmissions can be viewed by the instructor and include date/time stamps.
Creating multiple-submission assignments
There isn't a direct means of creating an assignment in Canvas that requires students to submit more than one deliverable in order to satisfy the requirements of the assignment. However, since students can resubmit an assignment as many times as they want until the Available Until date has lapsed, instructors can very easily create multiple-submission assignments simply by keeping a couple things in mind.
- Clarify in the assignment instructions that students are required to submit more than one item in order to satisfy the requirements of the assignment.
- If the Submission Type is "Online," be sure to enable all the different Online Entry Options that you will allow for the assignment. Remember that selecting more than one option does not require students to submit one of each, but merely provides a choice of potential submission options available to them for that assignment.
- Remember that when a student resubmits an assignment, all of the students' submissions for that assignment can be viewed in the drop-down menu in SpeedGrader.
- Since only one gradebook column can be created for each assignment in Canvas, you may need to manually create additional columns if you want separate grades for each part of the assignment. Learn more about manually creating gradebook columns Links to an external site..
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