Paper Presentaiton
- Due Feb 12, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a file upload
Group assignments for the Paper presentations
February 12
Group 3
Nathan Cho
Fiona Gaffney
Group 2
Pujan Moradiya
Veronica Marougail
February 17
Group 1
Fumiya Abe-Nornes
Kevin J Wunderly
Group 4
Ang Li
Kit S Ng
Tameem Syed
Assignment #1: Paper presentation (10 points)
Overview The main goal of this assignment is for the students to present applications of physics for studying human organs. The topics of the selected articles can cover broadly all aspects of applying physics to study the function of the organs and the diseases affecting them.
Grouping You will be randomly grouped in 4 teams of ~2 students (see the list above). The four topics are: heart, ears, lungs, and kidneys, one topic per group. The presentations should structured using the points listed under the Assignment description. There should be group communications to avoid overlaps in the presentation contents.
The length of the talks should be 20-30 min. After this talk, 5-10 minutes of Q/A time will follow. Your presentation dates will be assigned by the instructor. During the talk, all members of each group should actively participate in the presentation.
Presentations are scheduled for the following dates: Feb 10 and 12, 2020.
Grading All team members will get the same grade. A guide/rubric to the grading will be also posted online.
Submission Files of the presentations (PDF, PowerPoint, HTML, DOC, or your preferred format) should be uploaded on the canvas assignment page by 8pm the day prior the presentation. This will allow the others to become acquainted with the subject. Only one person per group should submit the presentation file (which includes all participants’ names).
Assignment description This assignment will provide you an exposure to scientific publications, and practice finding and extracting information from published papers. For this assignment you will need to choose peer-reviewed papers on the selected subject. The groups may select one central paper to be discussed in detail. However, groups are also encouraged to add the contents of papers which subject aids the presentation of the central paper. These are usually papers that are cited within your central paper. These extra papers will provide greater context to the work that you can highlight during your presentation.
Below is a suggested structure for your presentation:
- Introduction: Why is this research important? What are the gaps in our knowledge on the subject? Because this part is an overview of the main subject of the paper, you may use additional resources, like the cited literature.
- Results: Describe the results reported by the selected paper.
- Discussion: In this part you should comment on the importance of the results and summarize the contributions of the paper to the field of research.
- Future directions and conclusions: You should state the conclusions of the paper and comment on the possible future developments of the described research.
Citations This includes citations of all the source papers used in the process of preparing for the presentation. On-slide citations should be provided on all resources discussed in the slide. The citation should be formatted to include: a) first author’s last name; b) journal name; and c) publication year. at the bottom of slides that include specific information/figures from the relevant publications. You can also use the PMID number which can be found at the end of the article’s abstract listed by PubMed.
Resources for papers
PubMed: Links to an external site.
Google scholar: Links to an external site.