Homework 1
- Due Jan 29, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 100
- Submitting a file upload
Please post the solution to the problems listed below by 11:59pm Jan 28. For the upload use Homework 1
Chapter 14 (IPMB by Hobbie and Roth) : 4, 8, 25, 30, 40
Hint for 40: P = L dS d where P is the power (eq 14.56)
Assume the source is isotropic
Chapter 15 (IPMB by Hobbie and Roth) : 1, 4, 20
Use LaTex to write the formulas. For quick tutorial refer to LaTex Links to an external site. :
If you use word document you can find the equation editor under the Insert tab. To hand-write the equations, you can select ‘ink equation’ from the pull down menu.
For those who solved the removed problems (14.19, 14,34, 15.8, and 15.17) from the homework we get a bonus 0.75 points for each ot them for a total of 3 extra points)