Property Search - Graphs
In the previous section, we viewed a table found in a property search in Knovel. As mentioned, property search returns both tables and graphs. We review the results page for property search graph results below, beginning with a modification to our search:
Returning the property search page (accessible via the "Property Search" option on the left hand side of the page), we enter "acetic acid" in the text box; however, in this search we will select the property "molecular weight" found below the "chemical" properties
After searching, we should see around 200 results. To narrow these results down to relevant items (graphs in our case), we will use the filtering options on the left side of results page:
After selecting "Graph" in the filter field and applying the filter, we see a new results page. Each item has rows organized by material/substance name and fields taken from the work containing the graph.
Using the first result as an example, we can access a relevant graph by finding the row for "acetic acid" and clicking the Σ icon:
On the next page, we will review Knovel's interface for interacting with graphs.