Engineering Library Modules

Library Modules for the College of Engineering

This page is for faculty to preview modules only — contact your engineering librarian Links to an external site. with questions


The modules on this page are free-standing Canvas modules that can be imported into your Canvas course by your librarian and assigned to students as needed. The top half of the page has modules made specifically for engineering students, and the bottom half has more general modules. Modules can be customized for your course, if desired.

New modules:

Introduction to Knovel (brand new!)

Introduction to Zotero (brand new!)

Introduction to Patents (brand new!)

How to Read an Engineering Article (recent)

Introduction to Engineering Village (recent)

— How to Choose a Database in Engineering (coming soon)


Instructions for Importing a Module

REQUEST A NEW MODULE HERE Links to an external site.

*Quizzes are not available in preview mode, email your engineering librarian to see them.

Modules Made for COE Students

Title Learning Objectives Audience Length Quizzes? Updated
Beginning Literature Searching
  1. Understand what resources the library has to help with your research
  2. Know when to use Google and when to use library databases
  3. Find information in library databases to support engineering research
Undergrads 25-30 min 1 quiz, 4 questions not yet
Introduction to Citation Management
  1. What is a Citation Manager, and why use one?
  2. What Citation Managers are supported by U-M, and what we recommend
  3. Best practices for using a Citation Manager alone and in teams
Undergrads 30 min 1 quiz, 2 questions not yet
Advanced Literature Searching
  1. Read a scholarly article effectively
  2. Find research data
  3. Use some advanced features of the Scopus database (Author Affiliation, Citation Alerts, and Search String construction)

Upper level undergrads &


30-35 min 1 quiz, 3 questions not yet
Finding Datasets This is the middle section of "Advanced Literature Searching" and covers how to search for datasets using U-M resources like Deep Blue Data and ICPSR as well as specialized databases with data searching options. Undergrads 20 min no quiz Fall 2024
Advanced Features of Scopus This is the last section of "Advanced Literature Searching" and covers searching for Author Affiliation, Citation Alerts, and Search Strings in Scopus.

Upper level undergrads &


10 min 1 quiz, 3 questions not yet

Intro to the Engineering Library & its Resources


Very short intro to the Art, Architecture & Engineering Library and its Resources

  • Intro to the AAEL collections, librarians, and the Duderstadt Center 
  • Intro to the Scopus database
  • Short intro to Standards in engineering
  • Intro to LaTeX
First Year Undergrads 30 min 2 quizzes, 5 questions each Fall 2024
Introduction to Standards
  1. Define what a standard is and why they are used
  2. Locate the appropriate engineering standard using UM Library resources
  3. Identify and classify the different elements of a standard, such as the Scope, Referenced Documents, Definitions and Conditions for Use

Undergrads & Graduates

20 -25 min 1 quiz, 3 questions Fall 2024
Introduction to Engineering Village
  • What the Engineering Village database is, and how to find it
  • How to search and view results in Engineering Village
  • How to find full-text articles from your search results in Engineering Village
  • How to use the advanced search features in Engineering Village to focus your search
  • How to save search results and export citations from Engineering Village

Undergrads & Graduates

25-30 min 1 quiz, 4 questions in process
How to Read an Engineering Article
  1. Identify different sections of a scholarly article
  2. Read complex scholarly articles strategically and efficiently
  3. Develop a method to take organized notes to increase understanding​ 

Upper-level undergrads & Graduates

60 min 6 quizzes not yet
Introduction to Patents
  1. Overview of four types of Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright, and Trade Secrets
  2. Overview of three types of Patents: Utility, Design, and Plant
  3. How and where to search for patents
  4. Basics of reading a patent document

Undergrad & Graduates

30-45 min 1 quiz, 4 questions not yet
Introduction to Knovel
  1. Identify the unique features of the Knovel database
  2. Search Knovel for literature relevant to your projects and research
  3. Save and export your search results and citations
  4. Utilize the database's Property Search and Equations Features

Undergrads & Graduates

25-30 min No quiz not yet



General Modules for All U-M Students

Title Learning Objectives Audience Length Quizzes? Updated
Academic Integrity & Plagiarism
  • The definition of plagiarism and why it is important to maintain academic integrity
  • Different types of plagiarism
  • Strategies to avoid committing plagiarism 
Undergrads 20 min 3 quizzes

Developing a Topic


  • Identify elements in the information cycle
  • Learn how to use the U-M library website to find information
  • Understand how to develop a good research topic, including how to broaden and narrow it
Undergrads 30 min no quiz
Searching Databases
  • Evaluate Google, Google Scholar, and library databases in order to determine the appropriate search tool for your research needs. 
  • Identify multi-subject and subject databases depending on your research topic.
  • Develop keywords in order to create an efficient search strategy.
Undergrads 30 min 2 quizzes
Intro to Web of Science
  • The strengths and limitations of using Web of Science
  • How to filter search results
  • How to use Boolean searching to build better searches
  • How to access full-text articles and save search results

Undergrads & 


30 min 2 quizzes
Library Orientation for Graduates
  • Search and check out material using the library's website
  • Utilize library services to freely access the full text of scholarly literature
  • Contact library staff and specialists for research and technology help


15 min no quiz
Data Visualization
  1. What is Data Visualization
  2. Why use Data Visualization
  3. Types of visualizations
  4. Design principles
  5. Data Visualization tools
    • (originally created for Health Science students)

Undergrads & 


45 min 1 quiz
U.S. Copyright Basics [long version]

Both modules cover the basics of U.S. copyright law. 

-The difference between plagiarism and copyright infringement
-What is copyrightable and what is not
-The public domain (i.e. things no longer subject to copyright)
-Permissible uses under US copyright law
-When it is necessary to secure permission before you use a work

Undergrads & 


30 min 3 quizzes, 5 questions total
U.S. Copyright Basics [short version]

The goal of the modules is to empower students to make informed decisions regarding the works they create and others' works they use. Same topics in both.

Undergrads & 


20 min 3 quizzes, 5 questions total
Evaluating Sources  -Determine the differences and similarities between sources, including sources like social media, academic journals, and news publications.
-Critically evaluate sources for quality, relevance, and perspective, in order to select information most appropriate for your research assignment.
-Recognize subject expertise or scholarly authority in order to incorporate appropriate works into the research assignment.
-Utilize library services for evaluating source assistance
Undergrads 30-40 min 3 quizzes
Introduction to Zotero
  • Setting up Zotero
  • Saving resources to Zotero
  • Citing and formatting citations
  • Setting up a bibliography in Zotero
Undergrads & Graduates 30-40 min


no quiz