Web of Science Filters

The search results filters in Web of Science work similarly to other databases you may have used, but there are some specific features that you should note for best results. The Web of Science filters only show the top five items for that filter category: for example, the five Publication Years with the most matching articles. To see the full list of selectable items for a filter, select the “See all” link in that filter’s section.


Publication Years filter


Selecting “See all” will expand that particular filter panel, allowing you to select multiple items. You can also choose whether to include (using the Refine button) or exclude (using the Exclude button) articles that match your selection.


Publication Years filter - expanded view


Note that the Publication Years filter requires you to select individual years. If you want to search a specific date range, use the "Add date range" control on the Search page.


Web of Science search page with Timespan tool highlighted


On the next page, we’ll review the Categories and Document Types filters.