ALA 105 Assignment 1 - Topic Development
- Due Sep 7, 2020 by 11:59pm
- Points 5
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- Available Aug 31, 2020 at 12:01am - Nov 25, 2020 at 11:59pm
ALA Assignment #1—Topic Development: 5 points
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ALA 105 Assignment 1 — Topic Development
There are two sections to this assignment. First, you will complete and email to the instructor the Developing a Research Question activity. This assignment will guide you through the process of developing the topic for your final course project. Your topic can be in two categories: You can identify a research question for which you have to write a paper for another class or something you are personally interested in. If you are struggling to decide on a topic, feel free to email or make an appointment to discuss options. Then you will submit a reflection
Developing a Research Question (2 points)
When beginning your research process, you have to turn a broad topic into a refined research question. By developing a research question, you will be able to focus your research for your paper. To formulate a research question, consider who, what, where, and when questions about a general topic that interests you. You will then consider synonyms or related terms for the who and what of your topic.
Click on the link below formulating a specific research question that you find interesting: Developing a Research Question Links to an external site. ( Links to an external site.)
At the end of this activity enter your email address when prompted, You will be sent an email with your developed research concepts. You must then forward the email to your instructor, this is worth 2 points.
Keep this email for your assignment next week.
The Reflection (3 points)
Write 1-2 paragraphs (or more), single spaced, on your chosen topic. Provide a short description of your topic and explain how you chose the topic. Next, do some initial searching anywhere about your project. Explain how your thinking about the topic has changed. Consider the ideas that first sparked your interest in your topic. Where did you go with those initial ideas and what kinds of searches did they inspire? How did the results of your exploratory searching prompt your research further? What were your preconceptions about the topic, and how did you find yourself modifying them as you continued your exploration? Are there other aspects of the topic you are considering? Now that you have conducted background research and have a grasp on the main issues and concepts of your topic complete the Developing a Research Question activity.
What’s Due
- The reflection described above.
- Email of results to yourself from the Developing a Research Question activity and forward the results email to your instructor — Jamie Niehof