Module 3: Expectations 2

Setting Expectations with Your Advisor

Setting expectations with your research advisor can be just as important as setting them with your internship site supervisor. Some advisors may expect you to carry on your research without interruption throughout your internship, but you should not be in a position where you are working two full-time jobs.

It is important to reiterate that, according to Rackham policy, students cannot use a leave of absence to complete an internship. So, to set the tone for your internship semester, discuss concerns and logistics with your research advisor well in advance of the internship.


Some actions to review during your meeting are:

  • Communicating the time commitment of your internship (ex: 20, 40 hours per week)
  • Communicating whether your internship will take place outside of Ann Arbor
  • Ensuring that responsibilities are covered or delegated appropriately (ex: confirming who is maintaining a cell line in the lab while you are away)
  • Discussing a feasible plan for degree progress during the internship (Note: Rackham students cannot use a leave of absence to complete an internship)
  • Setting a reasonable check-in time and format