January 18

Early Fair Use cases

Read the following cases and excerpted chapter:


  • Folsom v March Download Folsom v March
    (C.C.D. Mass. 1841) is the first U.S. case to consider 'fair abridgment', what we would later (for the first time in Lawrence v. Dana 15 F.Cas. 26 (C.C.D. Mass. 1869)) refer to as 'fair use'.  Take note of the factors that Justice Story uses to drive his legal conclusions.  How salient are these factors in this case?  Are they the quintessence of what you consider to be fair use?  





  • Time v. Bernard Geis Associates Download Time v. Bernard Geis Associates
    (S.D.N.Y. 1968) involves the renowned Zapruder film that captured the death of President Kennedy and the kinds of uses to which others might put frames of that film.  How does/should it matter that a copyrighted work is especially important to public discourse when making a fair use assessment?