Mapping to MeSH Terms: History and Search Details

To see if your search terms have mapped to MeSH terms, click the Advanced link at the top of the page, just under the search box. 


On the Advanced page, scroll down to History and Search Details and click the arrow under “Details” to open search details. It can be easiest to understand how PubMed translated your search if you scroll further down to "Translations".

You can see that all 3 search words mapped to MeSH terms. For example, “bone cancer” mapped to “bone neoplasms”. If the MeSH term is different from the word or phrase that you originally entered, you can add that to your search string as a synonym:  (bone cancer OR bone neoplasms)

Your search terms and phrases have been searched also as All Fields (journal title, author name and affiliations, article title, article abstract).