BIOPHYS 430 001 WN 2022


Medical Physics


Winter 2022


Instructor:  Magdalena IvanovaBiophysChem_430.png


Course Website:

Course Description

This course introduces the physics of physiological processes (muscular, cardiovascular, neuronal and renal), physics-based therapies, and biomedical imaging. Imaging techniques and physics-based therapies will be elucidated in the context of the underlying physical principles. Examples of imaging techniques which will be covered include ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomography. Radiotherapy methods will be also introduced. Part of the class will be dedicated to data acquisition and image analysis using R-package.

Experts in the field will be invited to give guest lectures, providing students with the opportunity to hear firsthand about the current applications and cutting-edge development of biomedical imaging and therapy methods. Assignments will be geared toward exposing students to data analysis and developing projects focused on learning the recent developments in the biomedical physics.


Class Schedule                                                         Zoom

M/W 8:30am-10:00am 3230 USB                     Password 430440

Office hours

Zoom Password 430440       Time 4:30-5:30pm Wen

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities If you need an accommodation for a disability, please let me know at your earliest convenience. You may also need to contact the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office (734-763-3000; which typically recommends accommodations through a Verified Individualized Services and Accommodations (VISA) form. Any information provided by you is private and confidential and will be treated as such.

Religious holidays and other time conflicts Please let me know during the first two weeks of the semester if you have conflicts with the listed examination dates.

Course requirements and grading roster 20% will be deducted for each late submission.

Graded assignment/exam


Homework #1

10 pts

Homework #2

10 pts

Homework #3

10 pts

Homework #4

10 pts

Homework #5

10 pts

Q&A / Participation (total)

Not graded

5 pts

5 x Discussions (2 pts each)

10 pts

Mid-term Exam

10 pts

Paper presentation

10 pts

Final Project

15 pts


100 pts


Grades will be assigned using standard tables.




100 %

to 93.0%


< 93.0 %

to 90.0%


< 90.0 %

to 87.0%


< 87.0 %

to 83.0%


< 83.0 %

to 80.0%


< 80.0 %

to 77.0%


< 77.0 %

to 74.0%


< 74.0 %

to 70.0%


< 70.0 %

to 67.0%


< 67.0 %

to 64.0%


< 64.0 %

to 61.0%


< 61.0 %

to 0.0%



This class will be carried in person. If needed you can attend the class remotely via zoom. It is strongly recommended that remote attendees keep their cameras ON during the lectures. Please let me know if you have technical difficulties.  

For troubles with zoom connection, please email. Please keep in mind that my response can be delayed during lecture times.

Unless specified otherwise, all guest lectures and student presentations should be attended in person. In case you are unable to attend in person, please send an email.

            All class assignments and exams will be posted on Canvas and can be taken asynchronously within the specified time frames.


Class recording

All course lectures will be audio/video recorded and made available for asynchronous viewing. Your paper presentations will be also recorded. If you do not wish to be recorded, please contact me during the first week of class to discuss alternative arrangements.

Students are prohibited from recording/distributing any class activity without written permission from the instructor, except as necessary as part of approved accommodations for students with disabilities. Any approved recordings may only be used for student’s own private use.


Lectures (35/10/35)

Each lecture will consist of two instruction sessions each ~35min long. In between each instruction session will be ~5-10min Q&A sessions which you will find posted on Canvas Discussion. Students can participate by answering Q&A either synchronously or asynchronously. 


Q&As for participation credit (24 x 0.21 pts - student presentations are excluded from the lecture count)

Participation credit is earned by answering Q&A (Question&Answer) session accompanying each lecture. Q&A for each lecture will be posted on Canvas/Discussion and closed 36 hours after the lecture.


Presentation talks (10 pts)

For this assignment, students will be teamed in groups of two. Presentations will be synchronous and all group members should be present in person. Please plan accordingly to attend. If you are unable to attend due to sickness, please let your group members AND the instructor know as soon as possible. Group members will share the same grade.

For this assignment, the students will do literature search on a specific topic, and present a short summary of what they learnt. Presentations will be 17-20 min long, followed by Q&A. Please note that class presentations will be recorded.


Homework (5 x 10 pts)

            Homework assignments will be based on the material covered by the lectures to solve problems or answer questions. Refer to the syllabus for homework postings and deadlines.

            Illegible writing will result into grade reduction by upto10%. To type formulas, please use LaTex editor which you can find both in Canvas and in Microsoft Word. For symbol description and formula writing you can also refer to:

Mid-term exam (10 pts)

Midterm exam will include the material covered by lectures 1-12, and will be a blend of short answers, problem solving, and usage of R-package.

Final Project (15 pts)

Guidelines about the final project will be posted on the dates specified in the syllabus.

Discussions (5 x 2 pts) can be any of the formats listed below

           Blogging                     write a short summary (300-500 words) on a specified topic

           Trivia questions        answer questions based on the class material, as well as, a general science knowledge.

           Article commentary  read and answer questions about the contents of a specific article

           Literature mining      you will need to educate yourself on a specified topic by searching the recently published database.

           Commentaries           comment/discuss lectures on topics relevant to the class subject


Biophys430 W22_Calendar-5.pdf 

Course Summary:

Date Details Due
CC Attribution Share Alike This course content is offered under a CC Attribution Share Alike license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.