Review Documents Found by Your Search

For this step in the multi-step strategy, scroll through your search results and look at the document titles and the document abstract excerpts.

The Espacenet default display for search results includes Text Only view for documents, All search results, and a Relevance sort order. Use the pull-down menus to change the search results display as desired.


Espacenet database search results page with pull-down menus highlighted.


Based on the title of the first document in the results list, "Rodent Trap," you might conclude that this patent will be relevant to your search.

For any result that looks relevant to what you are searching, click on the patent title to see more information. A second pane will open, showing you the Applicant and Inventor names, Classification codes, Publication dates, and the Full Abstract (when an abstract is available).

 Espacenet database search results page with first result selected and document title and number highlighted.

The information found in the patent document pane is discussed in more detail on the next page.