4. Types of Visualizations

There are different types of data visualizations including:

Charts & Graphs: data is often shown in linear formats and often shows data changing over time

Spatial or Map-based: data that relates to the real world (such as map data or an office floor plan) this is sometimes also known as a geographical relationship

Hierarchical: data that relates to positions in a defined hierarchy (from an office management structure to a simple flowchart)

Network: where the data relates to other entities within the same data

3D: may be one of the other types listed above but with an added dimension, to better display the data

In the following pages, we'll see some additional examples of these different visualizations.


Chart that is showing California droughts from 2000 - 2014.

The XKCD comic "California" Links to an external site. is an example of a combination of a chart and spatial visualization.