FOR INSTRUCTORS: Academic Integrity Module

Thank you for choosing to use the UM Library's Academic Integrity and Plagiarism module for your class!

The module is now live and published in your Canvas course page and can be found in the section labeled modules. For students to access the module elsewhere, please copy and paste this url to a page or assignment that students will access it from.

In the Academic Integrity and Plagiarism module, students will learn the definition of academic integrity, the consequences of academic dishonesty, different types of plagiarism, and strategies to avoid committing plagiarism.

The module takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete and includes quizzes. You now have complete control of all content within the module so you may change, adjust, move, or remove any part of the module, including the quizzes. All quizzes are currently set to "ungraded" but can be changed to "graded" if you choose to award points for completing the module.

If you have any questions about incorporating the module into your course or run into problems, please contact Alex Deeke at


