Searching for Databases

Let's use the example topic "cell phone addiction" to practice finding an appropriate database and searching within it. For the rest of the module, please open up the library homepage Links to an external site. ( in a new tab. Follow the steps below to find a database using the Browse feature.

As you saw in the video, you will want to use the Browse drop down feature at the top of the library homepage to find resources by subject. Go to the drop down menu and choose "Health Sciences" as your general topic since addiction is related to health sciences.  Browse Subject.png


Narrow Browse.png In the "Narrow Your Selection" drop down menu, select "Health Behavior and Health Education" as addiction is a health behavior. Click "Browse" to see some of the resources related to health behavior and education that are provided by the library.


You will see a section called "Databases" which will automatically show the top 3 recommended databases. However, there is a small link labeled "More Databases" which will let you find other databases associated with a subject. Click on "More Databases" to see other highly recommended databases for the subject "Health Behavior and Health Education." More Databases.png


Highly recommend databases.png

You can now see all of the databases related to a subject includinghighly recommend databases. For the topic of cell phone addiction, let's pick PsycINFO as addictions are often psychological. Notice you would not have seen this database as an option if you did not click "More Databases."


Now that you have picked a database to search, continue to the next page to learn about developing a search strategy.