Opening the Scopus Database
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Scopus is a multi-disciplinary database for scientific, medical, technical, and social sciences. It is the recommended database for engineering students. It includes peer-reviewed literature in the form of scientific journals and articles, books and conference proceedings, and patents.
When using Scopus, it is important to go through the U-M Library's website Links to an external site. in order to get access to articles through the library for free.
The quickest way to access Scopus Links to an external site. is to type in "scopus" in the Library Search box on the library's webpage. Look for the words What can we help you find?
In your other window, navigate to the U-M Library's homepage.
Then look for the "Go to database" link in the Databases results box. There will be many other results from Library Search, including books and articles, so be sure to look over on the right hand side.
In your other window, navigate through the library's website to open the Scopus database.
If you are accessing Scopus off campus or a network other than MWireless, you will be prompted to login using your uniqname and password.
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