Advanced Searching in Knovel

Earlier in the module, we searched for resources using Knovel's quick search interface. While we narrowed down our results using Knovel's filters, Knovel also features an advanced search interface for users to quickly narrow down search results.

Let's continue with our previous search topic and filter settings

  • Topic: Circuit Design
  • Resource Type: books
  • Timeframe for publication: past five years

To access the Advanced Search interface, return to the Knovel search homepage (by clicking the house icon on the left icon) and click "Advanced Search" beneath the text box:

A screenshot of the "Search Knovel" interface with "Advanced Search" emphasized.

We see that the advanced search interface has fields for resource title, author, publisher, and free-text. While title, author, and publisher are self-explanatory, free-text acts similarly to the simple search box from our previous examples.

A screenshot of Knovel's Advanced Search interface.

This interface allows us to enter text in two (or more) of these fields and speed up the search process by returning a narrower set of results when necessary.