Methods Section

nasa physicists writing on a chalkboard

Reading the Methods Section

Reading the Methods section will help you understand how the research was conducted. It is necessary for other researchers to understand the methods used so that results can be replicated. Good articles will start their Methods section with a few introductory paragraphs that broadly summarize the research's different stages, how they interact, and what data was generated.

The Methods section can also be difficult to read due to the technical language used and density of the section. 

Take some time and read the Methods section, it is 1 page long.


When you're starting out, it's tough to read the Methods section because all research methods are new and complicated. Eventually you'll recognize similar methods and reading them becomes easier, many methods simply vary on a similar theme. Read enough to write a short paragraph about the experiment's stages, their interactions, and the output data. 

Remember to look up any new words or acronyms as you go.