Refining by Physical Property

On the previous page, we refined search results by Document Type and Year of publication. These are just two of several categories used to refine search results.

Engineering Village gives you an additional category for refining results that is not available in most databases, Physical Property. When searching in Compendex, in Inspec, or in both at the same time, this option is available to refine your results. 

In the Logistics Planning search example, assume your research question requires solutions for a service range within a specific distance. In Engineering Village refine by Physical Property menu to add that constraint to your results set:

Engineering Village Refine box with "by physical property" circled


In the example above, the size parameter is set between 1 and 50 kilometers. Results will now include that parameter.

Refine search results by as many physical properties as you are interested in. Included are properties such as Force, Mass, Mass Density, Pressure, Temperature, Time, and Velocity, among many others.

Properties need to be refined one at a time.