Beginning a Search

Begin searching in Engineering Village by selecting the databases that you want to use. Most engineering students deselect Georef, because they are not interested in geoscience literature. In the screenshot below, only Compendex and Inspec are selected, which is what we recommend for engineering searches.

This example search is on Logistics Planning. Type in your search and click the magnifying glass to run. (Note: for a deep-dive into creating a more complex search strategy, see the Building Your Search Strategy page Links to an external site. of the Literature Review Research Guide.)

engineering village search page with keywords logistics planning in search box


Here are our results. By default, results are sorted by Relevance. Click the Sort By dropdown caret to see options for changing the sort order.

The default number of results displayed is 25. Click on the Display dropdown caret to change the number of results to 50 or 100.

screenshot of engineering village results page with sort by - relevance and display highlighted


When reviewing results you may notice two entries for the same article. Because we ran our search in both the Compendex and Inspec databases, articles that are included in both databases will display twice in the results list.