Citation Alerts + Search String

Citation Alerts

The right hand side of the Author details page is a Profile actions box.

If this author is someone you are interested in, maybe an advisor or the head of a lab you are involved in, a Citation Alert can be set up inside Scopus. The benefit of getting a Citation Alert for an author is that you can become familiar with their research. This provides an opportunity for networking and discussing research.

Getting citation alerts in Scopus requires you to register an email address and password.

author profile box

Citation Alerts are emails containing the most recent published articles from whichever author you are interested in. They can be daily, weekly, or monthly. Due to the slow speed of academic research, a monthly frequency is recommended.

Search String

One unique aspect of Scopus is the Search String found at the top of any Results page. Looking at the top of our current page, we can see the string: 

search string at top of page

For those students doing complex searches, or many different searches using different keywords and filters, this search string can be saved and documented along with relevant articles. This can be especially helpful when writing a literature review or dissertation, when it is important to document a search for scholarly literature.

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