Access and Tools in Web of Science
Web of Science does not actually contain the full text of articles, so if you find an article you want to read, you’ll need to use MGet It to access the text; you’ll find the MGet It icon on the search results page and on the individual-article pages. You may see links to publisher-provided full text as well, but the MGet It icon will always be present.
In addition, there are tools to send article information out of Web of Science into other applications. You can use the Export button on an article page to send the article information to email, to EndNote, or to a file which you can import into other citation management systems like Zotero or Mendeley.
Alternatively, you can add articles to a marked list while you execute a series of searches, and then export them all as a group at the end of your session.
The Export and Add to Marked List options are also available on the search results page: just mark the checkbox for the article(s) you want, and then use the buttons at the top of the screen.