Course Syllabus

SI 658 Information Architecture - Winter 2018

All new for Winter 2018, SI658 is an elective course in information architecture, with two group projects, one book to buy, and lots of PDFs to read.

The premise of the course this term is that information architecture is essential to making applications of emerging technologies like AI and VR/AR be good, not just work OK.  Through two group projects, students will work on situating information in space because of reasons.

The first group project is an investigation of the information architectures necessary to support voice as the primary interface between FBI agents and an imagined, artificially-intelligent crime solving system named D.I.A.N.

The second project is based on an imagined brief for the design of an augmented reality app to enrich and enliven a blended digital/physical space at Fort Mason in San Francisco.

It's all information architecture, and throughout the term, we'll have information architects joining us as guest teachers and provocateurs: sometimes via Skype, with some in-person guests too. 

Class Session Slides & Recordings














Course Summary:

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