Reflection 2

How do I know when it's the right time to take on an internship?

Searching for and completing a graduate-level internship requires advanced planning and strategizing around academic commitments and your progress toward degree requirements. Some questions you should consider in advance:

  • What are your program’s requirements and timeline for degree completion?
  • What impending academic milestones or professional responsibilities should you consider when seeking an internship location and time commitment?
  • Have you talked with your faculty advisor or PI about doing an internship? What commitments to your research, lab, or department do you need to consider or navigate to do an internship?  
  • Do you want to complete an internship in a particular career field, region, or modality (in person or remote)?  Are there seasonal hiring patterns to be aware of?
  • Does your current promised funding preclude you from taking on additional opportunities or funding?


Reflection: When (Fall, Winter, or Spring/Summer) does it make the most sense for you to complete an internship? Why?