Module 1: Rackham Internship Support

Rackham Doctoral Intern Fellowship Programs

Rackham's Doctoral Intern Fellowship Program has two ways to support students interested in completing an internship as a part of their doctoral studies. Fellowships are available in Fall, Winter, and Spring/Summer. Please make sure to check eligibility details before applying.


1. Doctoral Intern Fellowships with Rackham Host Organizations Links to an external site.

Doctoral Intern Fellowships with Rackham host organizations provide doctoral students with opportunities to apply for internships with organizations with whom Rackham has built relationships to develop mutually beneficial projects and host students.


2. Student-Identified Rackham Doctoral Intern Fellowships Links to an external site.

If you have applied to and secured an internship that's not at one of Rackham's host organizations, Rackham’s Student-Identified Doctoral Intern Fellowships can provide financial support to help you complete an internship opportunity. 

Students may complete an internship at an organization regardless of whether or not the organization has a formal internship program, as long as the internship meets the requirements listed in the link above.