Term Paper Presentation Schedule

Term Paper Presentation Schedule

Please fill this table to reserve a time slot to present your term paper project.

Monday 12/7/2020
Wednesday 12/2/2020
6 to 8 (10-15 min) 6 to 8 (10-15 min)
1. Esra, Danny, Michael
2. Wil Gonzales
3. Ming-Hsuan (Michelle) Tao, Kai-Yuan Ke
4. Sophie Youjung Lee
5. Karess Taylor 
6. Fengyi Gao, Yihao Yang
7. Dolapo, Ernesto
8. Tian Wang, Xinyi Wang
9. Mark Bobrovnikov

Each presenter/team will have 10+5 min to demonstrate their project.

See the Term Paper Assignment details.