Multiple Means of Representation
On this page, you will learn more about UDL's second principle- providing multiple means of representation.
Why Representation?
There is no common optimal way of presenting information to address the diverse needs of all learners. Some of us prefer reading, others prefer listening or watching demonstrations. These preferences relate to representation- the ways that information is presented, ideas are communicated, and meaning is created. UDL explores the role of recognition networks of the brain in shaping how learners differ in the ways that they perceive information and "transform accessible information into useable knowledge" (CAST, 2018 Links to an external site.). The focus on recognition and representation in UDL is a focus on the WHAT of learning:
- What information or skills are we focusing on?
- What strategies can I use the help learners make sense of this information?
Factors that Influence Recognition & Represention
Many factors may influence the way that learners take in new information. As CAST explains, "learning is impossible if information is imperceptible to the learner, and difficult when information is presented in formats that require extraordinary effort or assistance" (CAST, 2018 Links to an external site.). Consider these as just some of many factors that may influence a student's ability to perceive and make use of material represented through two common forms of instruction- text and lectures:
- No vision / low vision
- Reading comprehension skills
- Pace of reading
- Level of background knowledge
- Unfamiliar with the vocabulary, symbols or acronyms being used
- Reading level of text too difficult
- Text structure is difficult to follow
- Unclear purpose for reading
- Hearing impairment
- Attention issues
- Differences in memory
- Level of background knowledge
- Unfamiliar vocabulary or subject matter terms
- English as a second language - translation difficulty
- Unclear purpose for viewing
Providing Multiple Means of Representation
UDL guides instructors to provide multiple means of representation (e.g. auditory, text, visual, demonstrations) to ensure equitable access to all information for all learners, and to promote clarity and comprehensibility across all learners" (CAST, 2018 Links to an external site.). You can provide multiple means of representation in your teaching by providing options for:
- Perception
- Language, Mathematical Expression, and Symbols
- Comprehension
You can visit CAST's UDL Guidelines on Representation for extensive guidance on how to options for perception, comprehension and language, etc. Links to an external site. We have outlined just a few related teaching practices below:
Provide Options for Perception
- Provide all learners the same content in different modalities. Text-based formats might include textbooks, websites, journal articles, news articles, text versions of lectures, and word clouds. Non-text options might include video, audio, images, diagrams, and infographics.
- Offer ways for learners to customize the display of information. Example: Provide digital copies of text material so that students may change font size or use text-to-speech software.
- Provide captions, script and/or text descriptions for audio and visual content.
- Provide information at different reading levels (ex: a new article as compared to a journal article).
Provide Options for Language and Symbols
Just as learners vary in ways they best take in information, they also vary in their familiarity with vocabulary, acronyms, mathematical expressions and symbols. Provide text alternatives to familiarize them with these concepts.
- Pre-teach vocabulary
- Provide alt text descriptions for graphic information
- Accompany symbols and acronyms with text support
Provide Options for Comprehension
Improve your students comprehension of information by providing comprehension support to learners as they take in information.
- Explain the purpose of asking students to complete a reading or view a film
- Provide an introduction to establish context
- Identify and clarify misconceptions about content
- Connect new ideas to existing understandings
- Use guided questions to focus learners on important points and concepts
- Create, or support students in creating, reading or viewing guides
- Teach students to use graphic organizers for notetaking
- Provide electronic versions of course texts so students can customize according to their preferences
- Telling learners why it's important to be familiar with discipline specific terms
- Creating "check your understanding" quizzes
Required Video Assignment
Watch this video for a discussion of the relationships between recognition networks and the importance of providing multiple means of representation.
Transcript: Recognition Networks Download Transcript: Recognition Networks
CREDITS: Some Information on this page is used and adapted from CCBY-SA
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