Multiple Means of Action and Expression

On this page, you will learn more about UDL's  third principle- providing multiple means of action and expression.


What does Action and Expression refer to?

In UDL, action and expression refer to HOW students learn. The UDL research basis explores the importance of the strategic network for learning- those areas of the brain that shape "how learners plan, organize, and initiate purposeful actions" as well as how learners demonstrate mastery of what they have learned (CAST, 2018 Links to an external site.). To think about HOW your students learn in your courses, ask yourself these questions.

  • How will my learners show me what they have learned?
  • How will they demonstrate mastery of learning?


Factors that Influence Action & Expression

UDL acknowledges that learners approach the HOW of learning differently and can face barriers to learning when instructors provide limited or narrow pathways for action and expression. As CAST explains:

"Learners differ in the ways that they can navigate a learning environment and express what they know...Some may be able to express themselves well in written text but not speech, and vice versa. It should also be recognized that action and expression require a great deal of strategy, practice, and organization, and this is another area in which learners can differ. In reality, there is not one means of action and expression that will be optimal for all learners; providing options for action and expression is essential. (CAST, 2018 Links to an external site.)

For example, many factors can prevent learners from fully expressing what they have learned. Here are some common barriers that can impact students' ability to express what they know. Note that these barriers have nothing to do with students' content mastery:

  • Traditional Tests
    • Text anxiety may cause learners to perform poorly.
    • Skipped questions may cause answers to be tracked incorrectly.
    • Learners may misunderstand the directions.
    • Learners may have poor recall of isolated facts, details, or concepts.
    • Time constraints may cause learners to perform poorly.
  • Papers or Projects
    • Learners don't know how/where to begin.
    • Learners don't know how to organize information. 
    • Learners may not have a clear understanding of the task/grading criteria. 


Providing Multiple Means for Action and Expression

UDL guides instructors to provide multiple means of action and expression, so that students can express what they know in a variety of ways. You can provide your students with multiple means of action and expression using the following strategies:

  1. Providing Choices
  2. Providing Support

You can visit CAST's UDL Guidelines on Action and Expression for extensive guidance on how to provide choices and support. Links to an external site. We have outlined just a few related teaching practices below:

Provide Choices

When you're able, provide learners with a choice of the way they express mastery of learning. As long as the grading criteria focuses on the learning goals, and not the format, one rubric can be used to assess a variety of options. 

  • Papers
  • Tests
  • Quizzes
  • Projects
  • Videos
  • Presentations
  • Interviews
  • Discussions
  • Graphic Organizers
  • Drawings
  • Infographics
  • Advertisements
  • Brochures


Provide Support

When you can't offer choices in the way learners express what they've learned (and even when you can) provide support. Support might include:

  • Modeling
  • Examples
  • Rubrics
  • Checklists
  • Groups
  • Partners
  • Discussions
  • Practice Opportunities
  • Developmental Feedback
  • Practice Quizzes


When designing assessments, ask yourself, "What is the goal of this assignment and how can it be modified to provide choices and/or support?"   


Required Video Assignment

Watch this video for a discussion of the relationships between strategic networks and the importance of providing students with multiple means of action and expression. The example used in this video is from a K-12 context, but the UDL principle illustrated also applies to higher ed.

Transcript: Download Strategic Networks



CREDITS: Some Information on this page is used and adapted from CCBY-SA Links to an external site. AccessMOOC Links to an external site.