Disabilities in the Classroom
Accessibility is important no matter the course. Not all disabilities can be easily identified. Disabilities can be apparent (visible) or non-apparent (invisible). The Disability Resource Center (DRC) at the University of Minnesota discourages using the terms "visible" and "invisible". Rather, the terms "apparent" and "non-apparent" are acceptable. Apparent disabilities tend to be physical and non-apparent disabilities tend to be cognitive. These terms are used to describe perceptible disabilities versus ones that may not be immediately apparent. Note that non-apparent disabilities are more common than apparent disabilities. Non-apparent disabilities may include chronic health disabilities, cognitive disabilities, learning disabilities, and other disabilities. It is important to not assume someone is non-disabled just because you do not immediately perceive them as such. Another term that is commonly used to describe non-apparent disabilities may include hidden disabilities.
Students may not feel comfortable disclosing their disabilities to their instructors or they may not yet be aware they have a disability. Students can have multiple disabilities, therefore it is important for instructors to focus on the barriers and modifications to help students. Barriers are obstacles that appear in the classroom or other places that limit access for students.
An inclusive classroom provides access, promotes inclusion, and minimizes barriers for all students. It is crucial to make your course accessible from the very beginning. It is much easier to make materials accessible while you are developing a course, rather than going backwards. Being proactive about accessibility means that accessibility will become ingrained in your design process and be built in from the start. Retroactive accessibility involves deconstructing course materials and may require you to reconsider foundational assumptions you have made in designing a course.
A good first step is to learn the six core skills and implement them into your course. The Accessibility Quick Tips Links to an external site.provides information on how to make content accessible. The six core skills are:
Once you learn these skills to make your course content more accessible, you'll be able to successfully modify your materials and activities. The following pages will cover these skills and provide information on different tools and resources at the University of Michigan.
For more information on apparent and non-apparent disabilities, please explore Non-apparent disabilities and the inclusive classroom. Links to an external site.